Batman Superhero Cat Is The Feline Caped Crusader We All Needed

He is the dark whiskered knight. Litter boxes fear him. Mice hate him... but we love him! Meet Batman Superhero Cat, the caped crusader of the streets of Europe.

He is the dark whiskered knight. Litter boxes fear him. Mice hate him. Lady cats swoon when he walks by. Meet Batman Superhero Cat!

Fearless defender of the weak and oppressed, Batman Superhero Cat is on a mission to save stray and feral cats, finding them a loving forever home to call their own. Tap the picture to read his story.

Batman is my favorite superhero, for those of you who don’t know. The list of Batman products that litter my home is extensive, so I don’t exaggerate when I say I’m thrilled to present this next Frisky Feline Feature.

I let this handsome bat cat do most of the talking, and he is quite chatty! Let’s get on with it, shall we?

It’s an honor to meet you, Batman. Can you please tell us your origin story – er, how you were adopted?

A fearless defender of the stray cats of his town, Batman Superhero Cat spends his time advocating to give stray and feral cats their own forever home. Tap the picture to read his full backstory at The Meow Place!

I was born as [a] stray cat. Mommy found me about 3 years ago when I was about 3 months old. I was so tiny… and one of my eyes had [a] bad condition (infection). My mommy took me to a vet, but unfortunately my left eye couldn’t be 100% cured. My vet said that that infection was too bad, but fortunately that eye still has good function to see. Its pupil is just not [as good as] my right eye.

As tragic backstories go, you had me sniffling a bit. *wipes tear away* Are you happy now that you have a hooman Mommy?

Mommy takes care of me with her super love. Mommy wants me to be a handsome strong boy. She teaches me everything – how to eat when I was kitten, how to be a good boy, how to be friendly with other cats, etc. I love mommy so much. She gives me life, love and happiness. She shows me that every cat deserves [these things]!

So tell me, Batman Superhero Cat… how did you get your name? It’s a heavy mantel to bear, one of great responsibility.

Yessss…Batman! My name reminds you of someone else’s name? S-u-p-e-r-h-e-r-o! That’s right! My mommy named me Batman based on the superhero.

Mommy didn’t name me from the first time she found me. She told me that she [struggled] to name me. She looked at my face deeply, then…..aha! Mommy got [an] idea and smiled. She said that my face looked like I used a black mask like superhero Batman, so she name me officially as BATMAN. Yes, I am Batman –Superhero Cat!

What type of cat lies beneath that mask, if I may ask?

Batman Superhero Cat's tragic backstory begins with his life as a stray cat, homeless and alone. It didn't take long for his hooman to spot him, take him home, and spoil him rotten! Tap the picture to read his full story.

I am a handsome tuxedo boy, really, really active and… spoiled. I am mommy’s golden boy. My favorite foods are chicken and fish. I can meow all day and follow her wherever she goes if I don’t get that kind of food.

How did you rise to Instagram fame? I’ve been a follower myself for quite some time now.

One year ago, mommy created me an Instagram account @batman_superherocat. She wants to show to the world my life and my adventures. She said that I can show to the world that stray cats are not bad cats. Stray cats are beautiful cats who deserve love and [a] forever home. I want to prove the world if they adopt stray cats and take care of them, they can be super beautiful/handsome cats.

Your mommy has the right idea. Stray and feral cats are just as deserving of love as other cats. What are your plans for the future?

Now, my age is almost 3 years old, and I am a happy cat with many adventures and experiences. I have been winner of some cat photo contests in my country, and some cat products asked me to be their model to promote their products. I’ve joined the campaign about cat street feeding and many more. I have many adorable fans and friends from whole of the world. I am not shy to call myself as an ex-stray cat. My mommy and I are so proud of me.

All of us at The Meow Place are proud of you too! Thank you so much for stopping by, Batman Superhero Cat. Keep fighting for justice and stray cats!

You can find Batman Superhero Cat on his Instagram account @Batman_superherocat. If you or someone you know would like to be featured on The Meow Place, use Instagram hashtag #FriskyFelineFeature or email us at


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3 Thoughts to “Batman Superhero Cat Is The Feline Caped Crusader We All Needed”

    1. He’s adorable! I never dreamed I would get to meet a Batman cat. 🙂

  1. Mandy

    This is a hero the world needs!

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