Lovepop pop-up greeting cards are a great way to show that special someone you love them, and they have several cat-themed cards to choose from.
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are just around the corner, and you want to give your loved one something special, but why go with generic Walmart greeting cards when you can give them something truly unique? That’s where Lovepop comes in.
What Are Lovepop Pop-Up Greeting Cards?
Do you remember those pop-up storybooks from when you were a child? Lovepop uses the same sort of style to make greeting cards, but they go even further and create a 3D effect with carefully crafted, artisan cards.
How Did Lovepop Get Started?
Did you know that ship architecture and pop-up greeting cards are closely related? I didn’t.
John Wise and Wombi Rose, the founders of Lovepop, both went to school for naval architecture and engineering. While visiting Vietnam on a business trip, they discovered kirigami. Kirigami is a variation of the popular art of origami. Rather than simply folding paper, however, kirigami also uses cutting to create a three-dimensional pop-up design.
It was this art form that John and Wombi used to start their pop-up greeting cards. It may not be building ships, but their education allowed them to come up with a very creative style of greeting card that uses their engineering background in each design. After receiving an investment from Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary, they were able to expand their business, and now you can find Lovepop cards at hundreds of retailers.
Lovepop’s mission is to “create one billion magical moments.” I’d say they’re off to a good start!
What Kind Of Pop-Up Greeting Cards Does Lovepop Sell?
Lovepop has all of the standard categories of greeting cards you’d normally find at most retailers. What sets Lovepop apart can be summed up by one simple term: accessibility.
John and Wombi wanted to make sure that anyone could afford to buy a beautiful pop-up greeting card for their loved one, which is why most of the cards are priced at just $13. Cards go for as little as $7, and special sales on the site (such as the 5 for $50) give customers a great bang for their buck.
Even at full price, these greeting cards are such high quality that I found it hard to believe $13 is all they’re sold for. Take a look at these cards we got, and you’ll see what I mean. You can also check out their full selection of Mother’s Day cards.

How Are Lovepop Cards Made?
First of all, let me express to you how high quality these cards are. These are not thin, poorly supported plastic-y cards. Lovepop’s website states:
We only use premium high-quality paper, before each item is individually cut, hand-assembled, and inspected for quality. Unlike traditional greeting cards and similar items, one Lovepop design and product can take several months to design and engineer alone.”
There’s a lot of love put into these cards, and it shows. I showed these cards to my husband (minus the anniversary one), and he was blown away! Each card also comes with a pull-out note that tucks into the card where you can write your own personalized note without scribbling on the beautiful design. Even items like the paper flower bouquets come with a blank card and envelope.
Although Lovepop is available nationwide at select retailers, the best way to view their entire selection of pop-up greeting cards is on their website. There are quite a few cat-themed designs that your fellow cat-lovers will adore. Make sure to grab your dad a Father’s Day card, which is coming up on June 18th!
Which cat-themed card do you see yourself getting for a loved one this season? Check out Lovepop’s selection and let us know in the comments!