This kitty may be tiny, but she goes on big adventures! Let’s see what she’s up to…
We’ve got a very special Frisky Feline Feature for you today. In lieu of our normal interview style, Miss Misha will be asking the questions, as she was very happy to meet a fellow tiny cat.
You mean I get to ask the questions, meowmy?
Yep! Go for it, Misha!
Yey! Alright, furriends. Let’s get started!
*licks paws* Oh, hello tiny Stella! Welcome to The Meow Place. I saved some of my treats for you. So, how has your week been? I bet you’ve been on lots of adventures.

“I’ve had a great week, and thanks so much for the treats! And yes, I’ve been lucky that my chief of staff took me on lots of adventures in the park recently. We have a quiet nature park nearby, and it’s so fun to walk around there and explore.”
You go outside? Meowmy never lets me go outside! What is it like?
“It’s great! Unless there are dogs left off their leashes… There’s lots to see and discover in the park, but I also love lying down in the grass in our front yard. More and more kitties are getting the chance to adventure outside, and we hope we can help inspire others to get a harness and get out into the world.”
You’re tiny, just like I am. Even though we’re little, we’ve got a lot of love to give. How did you come to live with your meowmy?

“Yes, we’re both tiny but mighty! A few years ago on a snowy night, I was so cold, I meowed and meowed outside a house where my chief of staff was visiting. When her friend noticed me, she wondered what she should do, but my chief of staff just opened the door, scooped me up, warmed me by holding me close, and gave me some of the cat food from her friend’s cat.
I knew I had found a loving home, and I immediately snuggled up with her. She was already looking after a kitty, so wasn’t sure she could keep me, but after a few weeks of me being super cute, she gave me a name and we’ve been together ever since. My foster brother Charlie is now living on the farm of a great lady, with some other lucky kitties she adopted.”
Wow! Your meowmy is lucky to have you. I bet she gives you all sorts of cool toys and treats. Which one is your favorite?
“I have lots of cool toys, but my favorites are the paper balls she makes for me. I bat them around the house, carry them around in my mouth, and have been known to bring them into the bed in the middle of the night looking for someone to throw it for me.”
What’s your favorite place to visit on the outside? Do you like traveling to the city at all, or do you like the countryside better?

“I don’t like loud, busy places, so the city won’t be much fun for me. My favorite place is Bowie Nature Park here in Tennessee because it’s so quiet. The Park Rangers love me (of course!) and they’re very excited that a kitty comes to enjoy their park. In the park, I love walking on the quieter trails, or sitting on my chief of staff’s lap by the lake to watch the ducks and geese.”
Well, it’s just about time for my afternoon nap. *yawns* I have a spare cushion if you’d like to stay.
“It’s sweet of you to offer, but I was just on my way out for another adventure in the park.”
That’s okay. More cushions for me! Well, it’s was nice meeting you, Stella. You’re totally pawsome! I look forward to seeing more photos of your adventures.

“Thanks so much for chatting with me, Misha. Maybe someday you’ll get to explore your garden and have an adventure.”
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